The Second Annual Scavenger hunt hosted by Mora Creative Council is being replaced this year by an “I Spy Scavenger Hunt”. Keeping our community safe and healthy, we are encouraging families to take a drive together.
With the help of the Linda Vigil family, Annette Velasquez family, there are posters from St. Gertrude’s Church on Highway 518 (Mora Main Street) down to the Mora Valley Ranch Supply Store. The posters will be in place by 10am and removed after 1pm. There will be so many Easter Baskets, Bunnies, etc… Check back HERE Saturday morning to see the list. Write down where you saw each poster, plus, add the two bonus posters (not on the list) to enter into the drawing to win a family fun basket prize. Take a photo of your list and email to to submit your entry by Saturday night. Posters will look similar to this.
Coloring / Art Contest: Coloring Page or Create Your Own
Print your coloring page HERE or get one with lunch on the bus on Monday. Email to by Saturday night. We have 1st, 2nd, 3rd prizes in each category. Please include name and grade on each.
The third family activity. Decorate your entrance for Easter!
It can be your front door or the gate to your home. (our example is a bit extravagant)
Send your photo by Saturday at 1:00 to win a family fun basket prize!
All prizes will be announced/awarded Easter afternoon.
You can check here, or on our FaceBook page.
Thank you to the Vigil and Velasquez families for creating posters and helping with prizes. Thank you to the Mora Creative Council and for helping supply prizes and family baskets.