Mora 4-H Shooting Sports

Season Recap & Thanks

Mora's 4-H Shooting Sports Team has completed their season at the end of this summer. Huge Thank You to their coaches Augustine Romero, Michael Leyba, & Eldy Vigil. To all of the parents for their volunteering and getting our 4-H members to and from practice and competition, Thank you. This team is not only a team but has become a family.  The 4-H members have competed in a few competitions this year. YHEC at the NRA Whittington Center in Raton, the Northeast 4-H Shooting Sports Competition also held at the NRA, in which several of our 4-H members placed and to conclude the season with their 1st Annual Shamrock Shoot Competition that was held over at our local shooting range in Chacon, KAZADOREZ, LLC, which was a great success. The one thing that stood out to all of the coaches and parents was that none of our 4-H members were glued to their cell phones, it was nice to see them interact with each other and have fun. Our youth needs that every once and a while.  HUGE THANK YOU to Michael & Melinda Leyba owners of KAZADOREZ for all of their hard work they have put into helping our 4-H members to succeed this year. Our 4-H Shooting Sports Team/Family is already looking forward to the 2022 season!
"Safety First"
"Safety Last"
"Safety Always"

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