Help Support the Restoration of the St. Vrain Mill

St. Vrain Mill Foundation Members and Friends; 

It has been two years since most of you have had a chance to see what is going on at the St Vrain Mill so this will be a chance to see what has been done, thanks to your contributions and help.  Completed work includes the loading platform replacement, first and second floor lighting, stair tread replacement, and the completion of the rear exit stairs and door. Now our attention turns to the biggest remaining challenge in the Mill’s restoration – the wall repair.  It will be at least a $50,000 effort and raising the funds could easily be a two or more year effort.  We will go into detail on exactly what has to be done and how we intend to raise the cash, including potential grants and possible on-line fundraising campaigns.

The meeting itself will begin at 4:00 pm, at the Mill of course, but we will be at there from about 2:00 pm for those who wish to look around before the meeting. We ask that you observe the current COVID protocols – social distancing and wearing a mask indoors, although we plan on setting up outside as much as possible.  There will be light food and drinks provided

Note that that weekend, Labor Day weekend, is normally the date for the Cleveland Roller Mill Millfest.  That isn’t happening this year, but it will be open for visitors and tours so there is an opportunity to check out the “competition” if you wish.

Hope to see many of you then.


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